How many people have tried to trade for a living?

Is there some secret strategy where you can get passive income from your money? Overall I have realized that this very thought doesn't really seem to make sense. But are the rich necessary? This question has been asked many times in various ways and at different times. If they are employing people sure I guess they are but if that's they way they got rich from stealing it I would suggest they aren't very necessary. And everyone has had a bad pick now and again but again its clear that if you don't have a position and always pretending you do just to sell something hoping your client takes a loss and you can essentially steal the difference doesn't make you a very smart person. Do banks employ that strategy pretending to short sell all of there clients positions when essentially they have nothing but always claim there rich? Perhaps that goes on. Refusing to take a loss is unfortunately the only solution or if you like gambling selling at a loss to take another position can extend losses or perhaps break even. There basically is no strategy if your attacked in this way. How can we ensure our broker is not a loser that has made his or her living basically stealing from there clients this way? Well we cant we just have to assume that we are legitimately holding the shares we bought. But when it comes to stocks again the problem arises we just can't examine if the company is legitimately reporting earnings or there is a chance that it is cooking the books for filings. The most egregious lies can lead to management reorganization and well if your CEO makes 75 million a year and your only earning 10 million a month its clear that system is a joke. We don't have public companies so only one man or woman succeeds in life. Accusing someone of lying about there income would officially come down to government at some point and I dont believe this to be a harmless crime as it affects stock price the more selling that is done to pay for the losses to keep the lie going. Again faking capital seems to be the point. Mcdonalds might easily have 1 billion income a month but some other national chains might easily be eclipsed by the reality they don't. I don't believe lying about your income is any solution to running a public company just because you squeak buy paying your interest payments. In reality whatever system you use leaves you heavily marginalized and people wont want to keep footing the bill while you spend your company in the ground. The different systems allow the spending to happen for whatever reason and its a catch 22 as I'm sure the CEO can't just come out one day and say well we have 100x less earnings please send me to prison for this.